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Instructions and Help about pantry inventory form
With the holidays over you probably have some new belongings at home now is the perfect time to create or update your home inventory checklist a checklist provides you with a record of your belongings if they are stolen or damaged here's tips on how to create your checklist first visit insurance mode of to download DI FPS home inventory checklist or get a hard copy sent to your home this tool will allow you to record possessions on each room every page has an example of items that may be found in each frame of your home it can be daunting to record items you have collected in your home for years but start an inventory now by recording new purchases first record specific details like the manufacture and the size of the TV if you have the serial number for this and other electronics write it down in the correct column otherwise you may get a lower priced replacements photograph or videotape valuable household items or collections remember to write down the name of the photo or a video on your checklist, so you can find it later group together smaller priced items like kids toys cookware and linens list items that you frequently take with you such as a cell phone laptop jewelry or camera check the value of items like jewelry artwork firearms antiques and other collections place your home inventory checklist in a secure location with other important documents you can also download the home scrapbook out from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to make an inventory electronically this app lets you capture images descriptions barcodes and serial numbers of your possessions on your smartphone or tablets this app organizes information room by room like the home inventory checklist also creates a backup file for email sharing if you have questions about completing a home inventory checklist give us a call at one eight hundred 726 7390 or to download one online visit insurance dot more of you
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